006. Elwoods
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While travelling from the mall to Elwood's abode, which song is played in the background ?
What is the name of the hotel that Elwood lives in ?
Before entering the hotel, a mystery woman fires a bazooka at Jake, from a pink car. Who played the mystery woman ?
Name the owner of hotel at which Elwood stays ?
The owner of the hotel, hands Elwood a business card from The Illinois Department of Corrections. What is the name of the officer on the card ?
One of Elwood's fellow residents (played by Shotgun Britton) at the hotel enquires as to whether he has purchased a particular item, what is it ?
What is Elwood's room number
When Jake and Elwood enter, Elwood's hotel room, Elwood puts on 'Let The Good Times Roll' by Louis Jordan and His Tympani Five, but what record label is it on ?
What is the false address Elwood has given to the cops on his renewal ?
Burton Mercer of The Illinois Department of Corrections is played by which actor ?
What make of car does the mystery woman drive ?
What's the name of the mystery woman ?
Who appears first out of the rubble of the bombed hotel, Jake or Elwood ?
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“The Peter Gunn Theme” performed by The Blues Brothers, arranged by Henri Mancini.
The Plymouth Hotel for men only – 22 W Van Buren, Chicago, Illinois.
Carrie Fisher.
Lloyd (played by Joe Cuttone).
Burton Mercer.
Cheese Whiz.
1060 West Addison.
John Candy.
A 1977 Red Pontiac Grand Prix.
Camille Zdetelik.