james bond
007. From Russia With Love - Gypsy Campsite.
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For the purpose of the film, the Russian Consulate is located in which building ?
Sitting around a table at the Consulate are four men, who are they ?
What are the names of the actors, sitting at the table ?
Bond and Bey make their way to the Gypsy site, using what type of car ?
Bond and Bey sit at a table (in shot) with the Chief Gypsy Varva (pink shirt) and three other Gypsy's, who were the actors ?
A Gypsy woman offers both Bond and Bey a bottle, the contents of which Bey describes as “Filthy stuff”, what is it ?
While drinking, the friends are entertained by a belly dancer, played by Lisa Guiraut. What is her character name ?
While the woman dances, Krilencu and his Bulgars arrive in a truck. What type, model and year is it ?
Two young Gypsy women appear from separate caravans, Vida in a red top and Zora in a green top. Name the actresses ?
Who or what are the Gypsy girls fighting over ?
Which one of the Gypsy girls is the first to pick up a 'weapon' ?
Shots are fired as the Gypsy camp is attacked, Kerim Bey is shot in his left or right arm ?
During the fight screen Bond is attacked from behind by a Bulgar with a knife. Who fires the shot to save him ?
How is the fight between Vida and Zora resolved ?
The next evening Bond and Bey leave the campsite. Bey tells Bond the Krilencu has already tried to kill him, how many times ?
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The Hagia Sophia Mosque (also known as St. Spohia Mosque), Built be Emperor Justinian during the 6th century.
General Vassili (Director of Military Intelligence, Koslovski (Chief of Security, Agent Benz and a Bulgarian killer named Krilencu.
Unknown (General Vassili, unknown (Koslovski), Peter Bayliss (Benz) and Fred Haggerty (Krilencu).
A white 1960 Ford Ranch Wagon.
Francis De Wolfe (Chief Gypsy), Bill Brandon, Moris Farhi and Dido Plumb.
1939 GMC AC series.
Vida - Aliza Gur and Zora - Martine Bewick.
The Chief's son.
Vida (a wine bottle).
Donald 'Red' Grant.
It's left to Bond to decide, so he appears to sleep with both of them.