james bond
009. From Russia With Love - Mr & Mrs ?
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Bond pulls up in what outside the Russian Consulate ?
Bond arrives at the Russian Consulate at what time ?
After the explosion Bond and Romanova make their escape. A fire engine pulls up outside the Consulate, what is it's make ?
Upon boarding the train, Bond and Romanova are followed by Benz, Grant is already on the train, but on what carriage number ?
What is the registration number of the train ?
Onboard the train Bond and Romanova assume new identities, but what names are they given on their new passports ?
How far is the airstrip from the Bulgarian frontier ?
Bond is notified by the conductor of the death of Kerim Bey, he requests that the conductor keep the news quite until they reach where ?
The train crosses over a road at which one of Bey's men is waiting. What type and model car is he standing next to ?
The train pulls into Beograd (Belgrade) Station what time ?
At Belgrade Station, Bond's contact (Bey's son), introduces himself by asking for what ?
Bond asks the contact to send a message to whom, in order to send someone from where, to meet where ?
The next stop is Zagreb, where Captain Nash, first, assumes the part of Bond, disposes of Bond's next contact, then, secondly, takes his role. He then introduces himself to Bond, next to what carriage number and name ?
What is written on the side of the carriage, from which Bond alights ?
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A black 1959 Plymouth Savoy taxi with blank and white checked markings.
A Seagrave Sedan Pumper.
AB1248 / 2.
Mr David & Mrs Caroline Somerset.
20 miles.
1960 Ford Ranch Wagon.
A match.
M. Station, Y. Zagreb.
Voiture Lits 3858.